Thursday, March 30, 2006


silence is a well
kept secret water
shed blood wine bread

this fish has been undead
for well over three days now

an old story has been told
anew a new word is coming


work hard work makes free
it says at the gate but now
by typing on laptop dismanage
mental states including excluding

nothing new
under the sun

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Okura Amsterdam

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Amsterdam II

Amsterdam I

Mirror I

Two -scape

Incidental Encounter

Face of Other

Thursday, March 23, 2006


night has crept
upon us strangers
wrapped in unsafety blanketty
blank point blank spot blank

the to and fro is a leaping
of frogs in their frocks they
do not creep the way you do

you give you know you give
me the creeps in hare-lipped cryptic whisperings
unintelligibly recoded red codas pagodas
are also maya are maya are maya

not roses

Monday, March 20, 2006

from the prayerbook in my dreams

they said so
what about you
goin' down down
stream the stereo

speakers are one
handed clappers
audience is super
fluous rapid river

fluorescent giver
of light for free
save us oh heavenly haven
from hills 'n bills 'n pills

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A While Ago

Friday, March 17, 2006


it's stuff
dreams made of
or made in
the land of the middle

outsourced sorcery
sworn swords swooning
lips and tight eyes, nay: hips

Thursday, March 16, 2006


i told you not
to go down
the lane you went
down that lane

you knew about
the end of the line
and told about the
lone wolf cryin'

clichee crowd pleasing
clown smile crowned
jester he's trying
not to cry

always succeeds
the bloody bastard

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Grimace I

Monday, March 13, 2006

Mary with Child. Sint-Niklaas / Flanders / Belgium. 2005.

short life, long art

people have machines
move things around
big things and small things
light ones and heavy ones

people put things
one atop of another
realise visions
build great buildings

all these things all of
these things all of these all
these things all of these all these things

they are still vul-ne-ra-ble
they still are vul-ne-ra-ble

people while speaking
move words around
big words and small words
right ones and wrong ones

people put words
one after another
compose writings
tell great stories

all these words all of
these words all of these all
these words all of these all these words

they are here to stay-ay-ay-ay
they are here to stay-ay-ay-ay

Sunday, March 12, 2006


letting things dry out letting
things dry outletting things
dry out drive-indrier draughted
laughted loughter and doughter's moffia

nine inch veil crucifixation on mediautomats
running wild men running wild

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Say Cheese!

Friday, March 10, 2006



Clair / Obscur

this morning you told
us about your dream
spiders and flies came
ringing your door bell

they live in the forest
at least that's what
you say

then you started eating all
you saw and were seeing when you told
your mother and me about your dream

you ate plates table clock

chairs cups even yer own poop
and returned to the forest

you know where they live
the spiders and the flies

all of this is a bit scary
well it also was a lot of fun
in the end you left the forest
flying towards the sun



Mirrors, Light, People

One -scape

Dancer at Tanzwerkplatz in Essen, Germany / 2004

Thursday, March 09, 2006


had a beer
or two and i
am in no mood
for poetry

have a child
or two and i
am in no mood
for politics


sometimes feel like pancakes
waiting for baker man/woman
i am flower egg milk salt

great potential to molotovize
tongue stomach too much

nessy and i

i sayz to lars: stop dancin'
in the dark coroners of the mainz
people's republikan banana
shake'n crusade zentropical
forest heart of larsness
an imortal sin

i wonder: is this immoral
question mark question
water mark question mark
shoot shoot shoot the targets
will be met like partners
in crime

i see: this is like a movie

the script has been lost
some say never existed
a long time ago ago
ago they gogogo o loch
good goodness

i remember: never lived
the things you saw and told
or wrote and read and said
who got it wrong the god
that is there for us is
silent question mark


no second

the smallest smile
in the universe

lost in time


under grey sky great snow
flakes fall in winter and spring
comes before summer

stone wall

hail stones huge as trees
falling down yous and mees
dutch yankee kamikazees try
to break out of haiku

they can not